A verification experiment was conducted under the supervision of Professor Yoshihiko Koga to investigate the relationship between stroller vibrations and the stress felt by babies.

Professor Yoshihiko Koga

Professor Emeritus of Kyorin University, Chairman of the Japan TMS Research and Training Center

This test showed that the vibrations caused by a stroller moving are transmitted to the baby and cause great stress. Based on these results, when using a stroller, it is important to take into consideration road conditions and driving speed, and to actively take measures to prevent vibrations from being transmitted to the baby. When choosing a stroller, we recommend considering one that is "made of materials that reduce vibrations."

The “Dacco Seat” is an inner cushion that is attached to strollers to support the soft body of a newborn baby. The head part of the seat has an Egg Shock built in, which protects the baby’s head from small vibrations and shocks in case of an accident.

Even small jolts and vibrations, such as when starting or braking, can be a big shock to a baby’s soft head. For this reason, egg shocks are built into the head and back of the seat (depending on the model).

EggShock equipped products

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